kang min kyung with smile

Kang Min-kyung donated about 30 million won in YouTube profits to the Korea Pediatric Cancer Foundation.

Create a culture of communicating and donating with subscribers

Kang Min-kyung said, "It was a happy time for me just to make and share the video and communicate with subscribers who liked it."

"That's why I wanted to use YouTube's profits in a good way with gratitude," he said.

Asked if there was a special reason for donating to children with cancer, Kang replied, "I've wanted to help poor children who are sick but cannot be treated if they donate."

Kang Min-kyung said, "I think children need more protection because they are relatively weaker than adults. I hope the children will be treated and recovered without worrying and grow up healthy," he said, showing his beautiful heart.

Communicate with singers and netizens together

Earlier on the 16th, Kang Min-kyung reported on her YouTube channel's donation to the Korea Pediatric Cancer Foundation through her YouTube channel.

Netizens said, "He's a really cool guy. "It's not easy to share, but we're not going to use electric lights from tomorrow." Kang Min-kyung itself is the light," he said, "I just watched the video because I like you, but thank you for making today a meaningful day."

Davichi, a group that includes Kang Min-kyung, is a word derived from the native horse "Dabbit" or "Da (All)+Vichida," meaning "I will shine the world with songs." Kang Min-kyung's good influence made the world brighter and touched many people warmly.

Meanwhile, Kang Min-kyung participated in Park Kyung's new song "Refresh," which was released on March 18, as a feature.

블로그 스팟, 블로거에서 글을 쓰는 방법

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